It is a condition where TSH levels are low and T3,T4 levels are high.
- Anxiety
- Irritability
- Sweating
- Palpitations
- Brittle hair
- Heat intolerance
- Weight loss
- Tremors
- Warm extremities
- Tachycardia
- Proptosis
- Goiter
- Atrial fibrillation
Hyper thyroidism in pregnancy and its effects on foetus:-
- Foetal tachycardia
- Goiter formation in foetus
Drugs like propylthiouracil at a dose of 50-150 mg , methimazole at a dose of 5-30 mg/day are used to treat hyperthyroidism. Beta blockers are also used to treat syptoms of hyperthyroidism.
Diet to be followed in hyperthyroidism:-
Avoid sea food , sea weed , milk and dairy products,egg yolk, soya,avoid poultry and high amount of grains.