Sperm Donation
Male infertility accounts for half of the cases of infertility problems in couples. Male infertility can be due to complete absence of sperm in an individual or problems like decreased sperm count, motility, quality etc.
Embryo Donation
The best candidates for donor embryos include those who experience male or female infertility and have repeated failed IVF or recurrent pregnancy loss not associated with implantation problems. The embryo is developed by infusing the sperm and egg of the donors in-vitro (in the lab) and the embryo is implanted in the uterus of the female partner.

Indications for Donor sperm :
The male has a low or marginal sperm count, anti-sperm antibodies, or some other condition where the male factor is thought to be the predominant cause of the infertility
The male has or is a carrier of a known hereditary disease.
The male has a problem with ejaculation that cannot be overcome by current technology.
The female is Rh-negative and severely sensitized to Rh-positive blood and husband is Rh-positive.
Failed fertilization in Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) procedures in couples with a male factor or unexplained infertility.
Even though it seems like a viable option, not many become comfortable with the idea of doing it at first. But, in all cases, it is crucial to know all implications of it beforehand and then make a conscious decision.
What is donated sperm? – Donated Sperm is sperm that is collected from a third party not knowing the intended recipient and has completed all the medical checks. The donor identity is kept confidential.
Egg Donation – After careful evaluation, in certain conditions the patient is advised to go for egg donation.
- Premature ovarian failure
- Perimenopausal women with diminished ovarian reserve
- Older women who have experienced natural menopause
- Women who have had their ovaries removed but have a uterus
- Repeat IVF attempts without success
- IVF with poor egg or embryo quality
- To avoid passing a genetic illness