Ovulation Calendar
Ovulation’ is the process of an egg being released from an ovary and this happens 12-16 days before her next period starts. ‘Fertile days’ are the days during a woman’s menstrual cycle, when she has the ability to become pregnant if she has unprotected sex. The fertile window is best defined as the six day interval ending on the day of ovulation. Those six days are important because the egg can be fertilized for about 12 to 24 hours after it is released. In addition, sperm can live inside the female reproductive tract as long as five days after sexual intercourse. Your chance of getting pregnant is highest when live sperm are present in the fallopian tubes during ovulation.
The interval of maximum fertility can be estimated by analysis of intermenstrual intervals,ovulation predictor kits and cervical mucus scores.
There are many ovulation calculators available today that estimate when your fertile days will occur. These calculators are a form of ‘calendar method’ and work on average data without reading anything about your personal hormone levels.Few disdvantages with ovulation predictionare :
- Cycle lengths vary from woman to woman and cycle to cycle – in fact nearly 50% of menstrual cycles vary by 7 or more days
- The timing of ovulation can vary by a few days, even in regular cycles
Understanding when you’re ovulating and having sexual intercourse regularly five days before and on the day of ovulation can improve the odds of conceiving.